All of our puppies during the puppy age live in constant and close contact with us and our dogs. Until the fourth week they live with us in the centre of our house where they are being used to the ordinary household activities, various noises of the household devices and human contact. After the duration of four weeks, and according to the seasonal and weather conditions, the puppies are being moved to the spacious room, which is part of the house with the possibility to go outside to the garden, where they can explore more of the world and at the same time they build up their motor skills and movement coordination due to the various terrain surfaces. In this important time of the early socialization, our garden becomes one large dog-playground full of different toys and stimuli. We have as many visitors as possible, from small children to seniors, and we want the puppies to have a positive attitude to people, which is very important with Appenzellers.

Our intention is to provide the best care about puppies and to prepare them for the satisfied life in their future families. Aside from the constant presence of the members of our family, they also enjoy frequent cuddling sessions with our close family and friends, and since the age of four weeks they can meet their future families and many other visitors. Our care does not end with the departure of puppies to new families... we wish to stay in constant contact with the owners of our puppies. We have a nice and lasting friendship with some of them.

Aside from the puppy you will also recieve:
- purchase contract
- FCI export pedigree
- official EU Pet Passport
- the puppies are repeatedly checked by the veterinarian and in their 7th week age they are labeled with microchip (transponder) and the age appropriate vaccination
- printed guide with the basic guidelines and advice on how to take care of the puppy
- gifts for every puppy and package of a high quality dog food
- our puppies leave our kennel in age 9 weeks minimaly (it depends on which state the puppy is traveling to and the veterinary conditions of that country)
- if needed, we also offer the "dog-sitting" for the puppies from our litters
- the above-standard breeding support is mandatory for us
We believe that the puppies coming from our kennel will be the best friends and companions to their family and that they will fullfill or even exceed their initial ideas and views about how enriching the life with a dog can be.